My life as a freelancer is fun because of flexible time but challenging too. I dont if other freelancers are the same. I am part time online English teacher by night, graphic artist by day and photographer on weekends. I love these jobs though I really work hard just to earn.
Most of the people know that I am just facing the computer the whole day or they think that I dont have a work because I dont go to office or follow company's office hours nor run against the time when late.
Well, I really dont go on rush hours like other employees do. I have my own time but deadlines trap me :D. That's the negative part. You can always have your time but you should not be late in submitting work dealines. I spend the rest of my week outside my office; talking to clients and suppliers, going to schools for their printing, design and photography needs, buying materials. When I am not outside the office, I still talk to clients over chat, emails and facebook, also doing the tasks given to me.
Most of the time, my smart phone runs out of batter before I go to bed and sleep. I dont charge the battery anymore. Because, some clients still send emails and chat with you. This is the second disadvantage; even you're relaxing, work still haunts you, same thing when you're outside.
So I just laugh at those people who look at me jobless or just at home earning less, also suggesting to look for a job.
I'm not jobless, I'm a freelancer with multiple jobs :).
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