Personal Time With God

He restores my soul. He guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

-Psalm 23:3

When was the last time I had a personal time with God?

Everyday is a stressful day. We come home pressured and just wish to go straight to our beds and sleep. We worry for other things. We think of our careers and our future plans but we never think of having time with God. The truth hurts and becomes deniable. We have to check our selves if God is still at the center of our lives.

Nowadays, I'm so stressed about a lot of things. Problems come, here and there. I always think on how to solve those problems. I always think of my future plans, but I forgot consult with God. I almost dont have time quality time with Him. My problems with relationship wont be solve if I dont make way to have better relationship with God. The best way to have relationship with Him is to communicate through praying and reading His word. Today, I had personal time with Him, and it made me relaxed. It restored my soul. I'm so happy. Having conversation with Him is really a great help for me. I can see His guidance.

I want to do it everyday despite the stressful day I always have.

Here's my prayer:

Lord, I want to get closer and closer to you. I want to maintain the personal devotion with you. I pray for your guidance. I pray that you could help me to maintain this. You are in total control of my life. I love you Lord!

In Jesus' name, Amen.
